The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Hey – We Old Folk Don’t Just Sit On Our Backsides Every Day…..

Usually we post pictures of England in the sun but, of course, we often have days that are damp and dull – like this one.

Every Wednesday morning, whatever the weather, whatever the season, we, plus an assortment of other aged folk, do a 5 or 6 mile walk in the countryside of Sussex or Surrey – then end up in a pub for a beer and a sandwich.

So here we are, at the top of a very steep hill, wet, muddy but unbowed…

Mrs P in the middle in red, yours truly next to the guy in the hat next to the lady with the umbrella….


posted by david in Outdoors,Pictures,UK and have Comments Off on Hey – We Old Folk Don’t Just Sit On Our Backsides Every Day…..

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