The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Caitlin Moran, campaigner against Twitter abuse, is a hypocrite? Surely not…..

For a second my heart was sinking. Was Caitlin Moran, that courageous campaigner against Twitter abuse, herself guilty of a Twitter hate crime?

But all’s well – her tweet wasn’t a vicious attack on Muslims, only against Catholics and, as we know, in the rarified atmosphere of the metropolitan media chattering class, Catholics and other Christians don’t count….


Mind you there’s always one unenlightened cynic ready to drip poison…


That is a revolting slur on hundreds of millions of members of the Church, including the overwhelming majority of Catholic clergy. 

There’s also another religious grouping she could’ve applied those tasteful “comments” to with equal lack of foundation. But then she wouldn’t have had the balls.


Oh Morningcloak….when I read your comment at this article I just knew you had a heart of stone….or maybe not…



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Aren’t You Glad To Be Paying For Those Regular BBC Flights To The USA?

Yes folks, aren’t you glad that the money taken out of your pocket via the BBC Poll Tax, enabled so many of the BBC elite to travel back and forth over the Atlantic?

The BBC spent more than £1 million on flights to America in the space of seven months this year, according to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act,
Executives including former director-general Mark Thompson clocked up the massive bill flying both business and economy class for meetings and to make programmes.

Yes, forget about the excessive use of fossil fuel and annoying the citizens who live under your flight path – is it absolutely essential to be physically present at those meetings? After all the BBC is television company…can’t they organise “virtual” conferences via skype?
Then what about making programmes – the BBC schedules are full of rubbish anyway so is it necessary to spend hundreds of thousands on sending “Top Gear” or Stephen Fry to the USA as a change of background from the usual crap?

Of course, the costs of these visits are even greater when you consider the hotel bills (doubt whether they stay in Motel 6) and cabs, hire cars, restaurants etc

Note that Mark Thompson travelled to the US a lot – did that include visits to his new employer, the New York Times? I think we should be told…
But do you know what, for me, is the most gut wrenching fact of all?

As the BBC is not legally obliged to reveal full details of how it spends the £3.7 billion it is given each year through the licence fee, it is not possible to name every staff member who flew to the U.S. between April and October.

Not good enough – it is this kind of “broad brush accounting” that helps to cover a multitude of sins. It’s time we were allowed to see these detailed accounts because, after all, IT IS OUR MONEY, YOU BBC FREELOADERS

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Those Hypocritical BBC Fat Cats Living The High Life On Our Money…….

Good news – we pay out over £2m every year so that over 500 big cheeses at the BBC can have private health care while at the same time telling us all about our NHS being the envy of the world. Oh and you know those BBC liberal/left presenters so eager to pour scorn on millionaires, bankers and global corporations for reducing their tax obligations with the help of clever accountants? Well they have clever accountants as well…..

It’s the stench of hypocrisy from these fat cats who wax wealthy out of the BBC poll tax that really grates……

posted by david in BBC and have Comments Off on Those Hypocritical BBC Fat Cats Living The High Life On Our Money…….

You must be having a laugh, Mr Milliband…..

posted by david in UK Politics and have Comments Off on You must be having a laugh, Mr Milliband…..

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