I feel I am in chains – I want a government that breaks those chains by implementing policies that might be deemed unfashionable by the media and cultural elite…
The will of Parliament should be sovereign over the the opinions of judges and external officials and/or institutions
I am easy with civil partnerships and have no desire to place a government cctv in anyone’s bedroom but to me marriage is a social compact between a man and a woman buttressed by law and tradition – and it should stay that way
Just as the police can only enter and search my home with a warrant from a court having shown some evidence of good reason so they should only be allowed to trawl my internet history in a similar manner
Illegal immigrants and foreign nationals who commit crimes should be immediately expelled from the country once they have served their sentence
Legal immigrants who wish to contribute to our society and respect it’s values should be welcomed
Border controls at seaports and airports should be effectively staffed and efficiently organised. Security should always take precedence over waiting times.
Foreign aid should not be financed by taxpayers. Instead private donation should be encouraged by tax relief incentives
Imprisonment terms for serious crimes of violence or murder should be a minimum of 20 years
It is not for the state to tell me what to eat or drink unless it impacts directly upon the rights of other people
No environmental legislation should be countenanced without a detailed and well informed cost benefit analysis
There should be a regular and transparent audit of all government expenditure and officials who cannot provide a clear expenditure trail should be disciplined
Military personnel who enter combat zones should be guaranteed the best medical treatment and a lifetime pension of full pay if they are seriously injured and their families should be similarly looked after if they are killed
People who break the law should suffer considerable inconvenience and if they continue to break the law the consequences should not be pleasant
The so called “conservative” government of David Cameron and his metropolitan elite would sneer at me for being naive while emptying my pockets to fund their feelgood fantasies. Liberals and left wingers would call me a “fascist”.
Is there any political party rooted in the present and future rather than in an idealised past and untainted by racist intolerance that would find my list fit for purpose?
h/t for Prometheus