The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

You Must Not Read This Book On Climate Change – It Is HERESY….

This is a book that a UK cabinet minister thinks you should not be allowed to read. Indeed the author of the book, along with an academic in another Australian university, has been driven out of the halls of learning for daring to question the accepted wisdom on climate change

Or so you might have imagined if you weren’t familiar with the recent treatment by two Australian universities — Macquarie and James Cook — of two eminent scientists working in the field of ‘climate change’. Both have been ostracised by their institutions for reaching conclusions unsatisfactory to the controlling regime.

Heresy….there are some who might even prefer that they be burned at the stake. After all the zealots were content to imply that dissidents should be blown up..


So on no account should you read this book…..remember YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED….

taxing air

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