At last – a measure of reality coming into the NHS debate from doctors who, for decades, have colluded with other health professionals to perpetuate the myth that “free at the point of entry” is a divine right set in Bevanite stone.
More than half of GPs want to charge a fee of up to £25 per appointment in order to discourage patients from making needless visits, according to a new survey.
Health policy experts said the flat rate, which could include exemptions for groups like the elderly and unemployed, would bring British health care in line with successful systems in France, Germany and Scandinavia.
Payment for GP consultation is regarded as quite normal in almost every other health system based on the social insurance model (as is payment for board & lodging for hospital in-patients). It helps to cover costs and filters out those who would abuse the system.
With an increasingly elderly population we could never hope to operate a service which is both caring and efficient.
However, in return for payment, we should demand a more balanced consumer/provider relationship:
- Customer friendly hours for appointments – evenings, Saturdays etc
- Initial appointments within hours rather than two weeks
- Competition between practices to win customers by offering wider services
- Reception geared to interests of consumers rather than providers
After all this is already happening…….