The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….


The House

The House

Unlike many parts of the USA heavy winter snow is a comparatively rare event in our part of England so the last few days have made quite an impact. Fortunately we are both retired and are still relatively well stocked with food – and gin – so there is no need to risk the cars on the untreated side roads or our bottoms on the icy pavements.
However, to avoid a complete outbreak of stir craziness, we ventured out for a brief airing a couple of times – hence the pics (taken by The Lovely Mrs P, much more creative than yours truly…)

The road from our house

The road from our house

Obviously this was not the time for gardening…

Our garden

Our garden

….and summer memories of sun drenched days in France sitting outside our caravan with a glass of cool muscadet seemed quite distant…..

Best forget the caravan and barbecue for today

Best forget the caravan and barbecue for today

The snow was still there the next day so we decided to walk up the hill to St. Nicholas’ Church – normally just five minutes away

The top of the hill

The top of the hill

The church is at the end of a short lane, just beyond a field.

The gate

The gate

We took a closer look at the field – magical…..

The field of winter dreams

The field of winter dreams

Then onto the path leading to the church

The church path

The church path

The churchyard was still, silent and peaceful…

They have seen it all before

They have seen it all before

The Saxon church of St Nicholas is one of the oldest in England – for over 1000 years the locals have walked along that path for prayer and worship. Even though the M23 motorway is only a few hundred yards away and Gatwick airport is just down the road
the atmosphere is surprisingly calm….

St Nicholas' Church

St Nicholas' Church



Then back through the avenue of trees (“the Ten Apostles”), out of the lychgate and back home for something warm and cosy..

The path back home

The path back home

If you would like to see the pics in greater detail go here.

posted by david in Uncategorized and have Comments (11)


  1. Lydia says:

    What lovely pictures. Thank you. And I am pleased for you that your gin supplies are adequate to the situation, although hot chocolate might be equally comforting.

  2. Fred Davis says:

    Beautiful pics. So happy that you are safe and warm during this time but we pray for those who are not. Things are rather cold here in Picayune, MS, USA. The temp at 10:15AM is +29 F – unusual, but not unheard of, for this latitude. My cousin and her British husband are flying back to London today and we pray for their safe transit and arrival in London. From pictures that I’ve seen, getting from Heathrow to their flat might be a problem though. Blessings. Enjoy the beauty of the snow. Fred Davis

  3. Fred Davis says:

    January 8, 2010 at 4:21 pm

    Beautiful pics. So happy that you are safe and warm during this time but we pray for those who are not. Things are rather cold here in Picayune, MS, USA. The temp at 10:15AM is +29 F – unusual, but not unheard of, for this latitude. My cousin and her British husband are flying back to London today and we pray for their safe transit and arrival in London. From pictures that I’ve seen, getting from Heathrow to their flat might be a problem though. Blessings. Enjoy the beauty of the snow. Fred Davis

  4. ladydawnelle says:


  5. Jet says:

    Love your pictures. The church is marvelous. How lucky to live in such an area. I am in northern USA. We have snow regularly with accompanying temps. Keep Warm!

  6. Ginny says:

    “Magical” perfect word choice! Snow gives an ethereal touch to the things we habituate, covering them with beauty and encouraging us to re-discover them. Thanks for the sweet walk in your piece of the world.

  7. Pepper says:

    Love your pictures!! Next time could you take pictures of the headstones I am such a curious person LOL..

    Thank you 😉

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by bellez8: RT @ginthegin: RT @TheAgedP: Snow and an ancient Sussex Church ~ Beautiful trek!!!…

  9. Harvey says:

    Great pictures. My folks came from the Fens of Lincolnshire. Gin sounds great but in a pinch hot cocoa might do — maybe! :>)
    Cheers and Happy New Year.

  10. karen says:

    It is +12deg F here in NC, but we are without snow. Your pictures are beautiful! I oohed and awed over each one.
    Stay warm.

  11. Jaclyn says:

    We call it “cabin-fever” here in the Great Lakes, but I never suffer from it. There’s nothing I like better than being snowed in, and your neighborhood looks especially magical under it. Everything is so peaceful and quiet under a heavy snowfall. I have been parked on a five-lane freeway in a heavy storm, rolled down the window, and listened to…almost perfect silence. Thanks for the wonderful photos.


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