The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Thanks, Mr Murdoch, For Clogging Up Our Road With Your Sky Vans…

Street Hill is a narrow road that curves down to the busy Balcombe Road (B2036) just a few hundred yards to Junction 10A of the M23. Even if one car is parked on the curve a driving hazard is created for vehicles coming down the hill to join the Balcombe Road so something like this is not at all helpful…

That’s right, a whole load of Sky vans parked the length of Street Hill…

Thanks a bunch, Mr Murdoch and Sky for regularly making life difficult for us. I note that your company is celebrating record profits so maybe it could afford to park it’s vans offroad. Goodness knows what the drivers are doing while their vehicles are left along there for a day but why should they worry about inconveniencing us once every few weeks – after all when Sky’s vans aren’t there a local dealer finds it useful to leave some of their stock on Street Hill.

Most of them in the picture happen to be Toyotas but I don’t think this has been done by a Toyota Dealer. These cars were stored here for most of the day last week, it’s a regular event and it is a favourite parking spot for employees of Crawley Audi so maybe we could look in that direction….after all it should be comparatively easy to trace the provenance of this car

Maybe worth contacting Sherlock Holmes?

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