Trump, in his crude, brash way, articulates the feelings of many Brits and Americans on a subject that our “betters” believe ought to be smothered with a soft pillow. Of course many Muslims are accepting of our values and happy to fit into our society. But there are also a substantial number who espouse a misogynistic, homophobic and inward looking approach and seek to impose their mores upon others in their own locality. If there is any doubt about this then visit Tower Hamlets or several Yorkshire towns.
Sometimes the sheer horror of this situation and the price paid for turning a blind eye erupts into the public discourse (Rotherham, Rochdale, sundry acts of terrorism) but it is swiftly sent down the memory hole with a few waves of the Islamophobia flag by a political/cultural class who, by and large, are insulated from this problem by wealth and a sense of their own importance.
I have no issue with the left leaning media. At least they are open in the way they despise the concerns of those they would describe as the “ignorant masses” but when so called “conservative” journals like the Daily Telegraph are afraid to refrain from knee jerk “outrage” by avoiding answering serious questions I do despair.
Am I the only one?