The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Archive for October, 2012

“Meaningless Media Executive” Ex BBC Boss Mark Thompson Will Fit In Perfectly At The New York Times…

He wore the uniform of the media class – tieless shirts, dark suits, closely shaved head and a permanent three-day beard – and was quite incapable of thinking outside the liberal mindset.

Such creatures are, of course, very expensive to run – but at least he will not be trousering money from UK taxpayers as he was at the BBC. Sounds like he is the perfect fit for the New York Times

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That’s Interesting…Why Does Nobody Want To Visit Ted Heath’s House?

Nobody wants to visit Ted Heath’s house any more. The charity that runs it is closing it to the public….the official line is because the memory of the man who was Tory Prime Minister 1970-74 is “receding into history”….

Could it be, however, that within a short while there will be a lot more interest in places that Ted Heath visited?

Who can tell…….

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Shock News…Working Class Voters Less Left Wing Than Guardian Readers!!!!!!

The bastion of the left at the UK Guardian appears totally nonplussed at the result of a poll which discovers that working class voters are not particularly enamoured of those policies so much favoured by the chattering classes at their North London dinner parties – uncontrolled immigration and massive transfers of taxpayers money into overseas aid.

Could that possibly be because it is the working class areas of the big cities and small market towns that that find their schools, social services and social housing overwhelmed by the influx of immigrants and never the comfortable middle class suburbs or cosy commuter villages wherein dwell the self perpetuating political, media and academic elite? An elite which constantly lauds the glories of “cultural diversity” and “community integration” while maintaining a convenient distance from the realities of their guilt induced dreamworld.

One reason why the left elite hated Enoch Powell and Margaret Thatcher so much is that they connected with vast swathes of working class opinion and were not afraid of courting the disdain of that elite – unlike the current Tory leadership which deliberately jettisoned that legacy and paid the price with their failure to win unadulterated power in 2010.

Until the Tories have the courage to cease yearning for the approval of the BBC/Guardian chattering classes they might find themselves withering on the political vine and possibly being edged out by alternatives – UKIP, anyone?

The times they are a changing…..

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Brighton Council Worried That Mr/Mrs/Ms Upsets “Trans People”…Here Is My Helpful Solution…

So Brighton City Council goes beyond parody and proposes to abolish titles like Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms on all official forms and messages because they upset “the Transgender community”

Green Party deputy leader Coun MacCafferty said: ‘Trans people aren’t necessarily male or female and sometimes they don’t want to be defined by their gender.
‘Putting Mr and Mrs on a form is completely useless.

As a fully paid up member of “the Gender community” if I lived in Brighton I think I would immediately be “upset” by this bizarre proposal. However, in the spirit of moderation, I would suggest the following compromise.

Keep the four accepted conventions of “gender” address and add a fifth for the “Trans people”…….Tr……then everyone could be happy….


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Cameron, Clegg & Milliband Not Too Keen On Debating With UKIP’s Nigel Farage During Next Election Campaign….I Wonder Why?

From the inimitable Benedict Brogan’s Morning Briefing e mail….

The Tories are also worried about how they can legitimately exclude UKIP if the party wins the 2014 European elections, and over an extended series of debates “sucking the Oxygen” from the rest of the election campaign.…

During their public discourse messrs Cameron, Clegg and Milliband dismiss UKIP and their leader Nigel Farage as an opportunist one trick pony better suited to the circus ring than the serious arena of political debate. But in private they also watch BBC Question Time and not only recognise how articulate and persuasive Farage can be on a whole range of issues but must also note how he CONNECTS with such a large cross section of the audience.

Those three empty suits, none of whom has really had a long term proper job before entering politics, would be messing their pants at the prospect of facing Farage in a TV debate….

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Great Food Porn Moments In Literature…..Hot, Buttered Toast….mmmmmm….

In Chapter VIII of “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame, Mr Toad is in prison, steeped in despair when the gaoler’s daughter brings him…..toast….

When the girl returned, some hours later, she carried a tray, with a cup of fragrant tea steaming on it; and a plate piled up with very hot buttered toast, cut thick, very brown on both sides, with the butter running through the holes in it in great golden drops, like honey from the honeycomb. The smell of that buttered toast simply talked to Toad, and with no uncertain voice; talked of warm kitchens, of breakfasts on bright frosty mornings, of cosy parlour firesides on winter evenings, when one’s ramble was over and slippered feet were propped on the fender; of the purring of contented cats, and the twitter of sleepy canaries. Toad sat up on end once more, dried his eyes, sipped his tea and munched his toast….

mmmmm….heading for the bread bin and the toaster right now……

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Memo To John Humphrys…Savile & The BBC – It’s Not A Witch-Hunt…..It’s Schadenfreude

In an interview BBC Today’s John Humphrys had with Labour politician Harriet Harman the subject of Jimmy Savile came up

Mr. Humphrys added that the BBC has been drawn into a ‘witch-hunt’ over the issue.

An interesting turn of phrase – and it probably reflects the opinion of many within the BBC Establishment….remember Paul Merton and Ian Hislop on “Have I Got News For You” last week? When the topic of Savile and the BBC came up they both spent most of the time prattling on about the hypocrisy of the Mail Online and Merton managed to bring Margaret Thatcher into it.

The joke is that Humphrys, Hislop and Merton are paid a great deal of money to publicly skewer politicians, bankers, celebrities etc. who might have strayed from the straight and narrow – it’s all done from the standpoint of a high moral tone. If Savile had been a catholic priest or a tory politician they would have been having a field day. But the fact is they are paid a great deal of money by the BBC and they just can’t bring themselves to bite the hand that feeds them.

Which is why, Mr. Humphrys, we are all enjoying it so much – it’s schadenfreude – the taking of pleasure from the discomfort of others, the laughter generated when the trousers of a particularly pompous and moralising bore fall to the ground in the midst of a hectoring tirade.

And do you know what gives it an extra bit of spice, Mr Humphrys? It’s the fact that it irritates you, it grates on your sensitivities – and it will be bubbling around for a very long time..

It couldn’t happen to a nicer group of pompous, moralising bores…..

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English Schoolchildren Are Starving, Claims Spurious “Survey”

Final proof from the UK Guardian (and BBC) that the cabal of Old Etonian toffs who now hold Britain in an iron grip is ruthlessly implementing its master plan – nothing less than the extermination of the proletariat by starving their children and ensuring the gradual extinction of Socialism’s natural constituency, the working classes.

A sixth of teachers are spending up to £25 a month buying bread, fruit and snacks to feed pupils who turn up to school without having eaten breakfast, according to the findings of a survey.
Almost four out of five teachers reported an increase in the prevalence of pupils arriving at school hungry over the last 12 months.

OMG – there are 438,000 teachers in English state schools – so 17,800 are spending their own money to feed their students. ….and 350,400 of them are reporting that children are coming into school starving.

Is it time, therefore, to grab the red flags, axes and molotov cocktails and surge into the streets, marching behind Polly Toynbee and bob Crowe as they lead crowds of millions into Whitehall, ready to storm the fortress of the Cameron regime?
Not quite because, if you delve a little deeper into the article you will find the numbers are based on a survey……

of 500 UK teachers carried out by food company Kellogg’s

500 – which is 0.11% of all state school teachers in England.

Kellogg’s – a manufacturer of breakfast cereals.

Kellogg’s – whose charitable arm has been organising and funding breakfast clubs in schools since 1998.

Kellogg’s – which almost certainly has a database of names of teachers associated with breakfast clubs..

Hardly a random sample from a disinterested party – but enough to generate several items on various news outlets featuring sad eyed parents and, naturally, Jamie Oliver . Inevitably there was fingerpointing

half of teachers also attributed increased pupil hunger to “financial hardship” caused by government spending cuts, unemployment and rising living costs,

The answer? What else but more government support for breakfast clubs.

However, to be fair to the Guardian and BBC, two thirds of the teachers surveyed blamed “parent apathy”. Many parents are too disorganised to provide a brerakfast for their children, having neither the “time” or the “inclination”.

Note that crucial point. Many kids missed breakfast, not because their parents couldn’t afford to buy food – but because they are too bloody ignorant to make sure their kids eat a breakfast. Ergo the government should reward their ignorance by getting those parents who do provide a breakfast to finance the others via taxation.

The fact is that breakfast clubs, like after school clubs, are essentially child minding tools so that working parents can dump their children so they can go out and earn money. Government subsidies would mean that they get the extra bonus of free child care on top of their earnings.

You can smell the teacher unions involvement in this “campaign” with the mere mention of “cuts”. It’s yet another bogus bit of propaganda using spurious “research” to justify a self fulfilling prophecy – and gain more space at the trough for those associated with such campaigns….

Also, wasn’t it only a few weeks ago that another set of gurus were saying that UK kids eat too much?

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Savile/BBC Scandal Suddenly Puts The Whole Leveson Circus Into Perspective…

Interesting story from Guido Fawkes about how last December a journalist tried to get newspapers interested in an article about the BBC pulling the Savile exposure and highlighting some of the issues raised by it

I was told by several of the papers that taste was a factor in their decision but in at least one case the Leveson Inquiry, which was then at its height, was mentioned as being a problem as well. It’s common knowledge that at that time no paper wanted to take on what could turn out to be a controversial story, so they didn’t.”

Remember at the time the odious quartet of Steve Coogan, Max Mosley, Charlotte Church and Hugh Grant were swaggering from studio to studio being celebrated as heroes by fellow showbiz weasels. Who can doubt that in the febrile atmosphere of the moment, if he had been alive and some of his creepy antics reported he would have joined them in their well rehearsed performances of upright citizens hounded by malignant hacks. Indeed Charlotte Church was at it again a few days ago on the ITV chat show hosted by the oily Jonathon Ross, the man who has transformed insincerity into an art form.

Church, who was really there to push her seventh musical comeback, blathered on about being a timid and retiring soul deeply scarred by a vindictive media . But it all sounded a tad self serving in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.

The fact is these showbiz types need the media to keep their names in the public eye. Hence they are circulating constantly using their latest book, film, play, therap, divorce, rape or arrest as a hook to get their faces in the camera lens. Their publicity drones flood the airwaves with their presence to “maintain the profile”. These dysfunctional , self centred parasites need the oxygen of the media to flourish and survive. Hence the hypocrisy of attitude – they want to control medium by exercising a personal veto on all publicity that is not to their liking.

The Savile /BBC scandal is a timely reminder that the media must not be hamstrung by legislation which restricts their ability to tell us something about the darker side of these glittering stars….

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EU To Be Awarded Nobel Peace Prize For 2012 – An Even Sicker Joke Than Giving It To Obama In 2009..

If the award of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to the newly elected Barack Obama was a sick joke the news that this year’s prize is going to the EU reduces the selection process to the level of a meaningless farce. This bureaucratic monstrosity, steeped in corruption and nepotism, subject to no democratic oversight and run by a bunch of second rate jobsworths has no foreign policy credentials and lacks any military capability

“The stabilizing part played by the EU has helped to transform most of Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace,”

This was the justification that the secretive cabal of Norwegian grandees offered to a bemused world. Perhaps they hired a North Korean hack to compose it for such a Pravdaesque concoction of sycophantic untruths could only be cobbled together by someone well practised in the art of purveying the most audacious of lies with a completely straight face.

That Europe became a continent of peace had nothing to do with the EU and everything to do with NATO – but rest assured the airbrushing out of inconvenient facts is already under way…

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