The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Archive for October, 2010

How To Astroturf A Rally….

The One Nation Rally, October 3rd 2010 – the US Democrats answer to  the Beck/Palin Restoring Honour Rally the previous month – has now finished. Doug Ross sneaks out the photos you’ll never see in the MSM…..

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Palin:From Political Has-Been To Political Titan….

THEN– Is Sarah Palin finished?

Mike Seeley of Seattle Weekly Blog thought so in November 2008

That’s the question that was on the tip of many a tongue last night. Sure, Sarahccuda became an overnight celebrity…for all the wrong reasons.

So did Todd Harris, Republican media consultant in July 2009

“I think Sarah Palin is on the verge of becoming the Miami Vice of American politics: Something a lot of people once thought was cool and then 20 years later look back, shake their heads and just kind of laugh,” quipped Republican media consultant Todd Harris.


Titans clash: Bill Clinton vs. Sarah Palin in California

The studio execs in nearby Hollywood couldn’t have produced a better opening scene for Election 2010: Bill Clinton and Sarah Palin — two of the titans of their parties — will barnstorm through Orange County, Calif., on consecutive days in mid-October.

Mike Seeley and Todd Harris could not be reached for comment…..

cross posted at Conservatives4Palin
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Al Gore’s AGW Friends In The UK In Favour Of A Little Culling? Update – Maybe It Wasn’t Such A Good Idea…

Green Fascism?  Global Warming Mitigation Campaign 10:10 claim this video was just a piece of  fun to draw attention to the dangers of global warming and what ordinary people can do about it. But given the messianic zeal of the advocates of anthropogenic global warming and the shifty defensive postures they adopted during the furore over the UEA e mails  those of us who are a little more skeptical of the AGW doomsayers might be forgiven for taking 10:10’s claim with a very large pinch of salt.

After all, a cull of humanity is already on the agenda of some green zealots….what better way of initiating such a process of selektion by removing the doubters and refuseniks…

Where does Al Gore stand on this? I think we should be told…..


They have had second thoughts – no doubt having seen how even the party faithful at The Guardian Envronmental Blog (the Vatican of the AGW Cargo Cult were not too impressed….

Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and climate change called ‘No Pressure’.

With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh. We were therefore delighted when Britain’s leading comedy writer, Richard Curtis – writer of Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill and many others – agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn’t and we sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended.

Some interesting reactions on the comments board

This ‘apology’ is pathetic! ‘Oops’ (on twitter) is not an appropriate response to this disastrous episode. The entire thing is just so incredibly immature, reactionary and irresponsible it is hard to fathom that anyone trusts your board to run an project like 10:10. If there is any integrity in your organization at all there will be serious consequences. This would never happen in an environmental organization which nurtured a less tyrannical attitude. Yup, you certainly evoked shock / horror. Sad.

“Many people found the resulting film extremely funny” says volumes about your organization and the type of people you attract.

Actually the second comment summed it up perfectly. Franny Armstrong, founder and head honcho at 10:10 has made her name making “cutting edge” documentaries. The trouble is she is so consumed by the idea of being on the edge that her priority becomes the media rather than the message and it all goes radical chic – cue Richard Curtis, the very stereotype of chattering class caring. Note the accolade – “Britain’s leading comedy writer” followed by a list of triumphs that appear rather…..dated?

It must have seemed hilarious over the fairtrade coffee at the Notting Hill dinner party – but I don’t expect Curtis’s agent is laughing now.

BTW – at the time of writing the BBC website hasn’t picked up on the story……or am I being cynical?

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