The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

Archive for June, 2010

Palin Might Visit UK In October Says Leading Brit Blogger

Guido Fawkes is one of Britain’s most widely read political bloggers. Last month (May2010) he got 3 million hits. He is a must read for any American conservative who wants to keep in touch with UK politics because he is a robust and mischievous destroyer of political and media reputations.

He has often been accused of being a Tory since he delights in deflating pompous and opinionated Labour and Lib Dem politicians and their servile groupies in the BBC, The Guardian and other self righteous organs of the chattering classes. In truth, however, he describes himself as a Libertarian and is equally happy sticking the knife into errant right wingers.

He is a scurrilous rascal with a colourful history and rather jagged at the edges but he is insightful as well as entertaining and always willing to go rogue – which is probably why he is the only leading UK blogger to take an interest in Sarah Palin…..

A flurry of articles this morning have picked up on Sarah Palin’s very excitable Facebook declaration that she was coming to London meet “one of my political heroines, the “Iron Lady,” Margaret Thatcher.” The Guardian is predictably sneering. The Mail on Sunday had the scoop first and raised the question of whether Cameron would meet the former Vice-Presidential nominee and potential Presidential candidate of the American sister party.

Guido, like any gossip, takes great delight in seeing who gets splashed when this particularly heavy stone gets lobbed into the UK political/media pond especially as his sources might be indicating an October visit – slap bang in the middle of the Conservative Party Conference

In Downing Street you can imagine the battle lines being drawn already. This is the stuff that Steve Hilton’s nightmares are made of, yet Palin has an obvious glitzy appeal to the right of the party and tabloid media, something Andy Coulson will know instinctively. As PM it would be extremely discourteous for Dave not to meet and be photographed with Palin if she was in town, a courtesy British PMs have extended to lesser known American politicians.

Hilton is Cameron’s Director of Strategy, rather lofty and the archetypal blue sky thinker. Coulson is Director of Communications, more concerned with tactics, a street fighter never unwilling to strike a low blow for a right cause, a former tabloid editor……

The timing might also be interesting seeing it could well link up with the activities of a certain British pol much admired by Glenn Beck

Guido’s transatlantic sources indicate that she could be over on this side of the pond in the autumn, perhaps around the time of Conservative Party conference, just when Dan Hannan and Douglas Carswell will be launching their Direct Democracy version of the American Tea Party movement.

…and if Hannan and Carswell were minded to invite a certain lady who happens to be popular with American Tea Partiers to address their meeting how many people would be trying to get into that room……mmmmm….

As Guido himself might well say – the plot thickens……

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UK Telegraph Wonders if Obama is a “Made Man”

Daniel Hannan

I admit it: I was wrong to have supported Barack Obama

“Oh my” as they are inclined to say at Hot Air. The American Right’s favourite UK conservative Daniel Hannan slips into the Daily Telegraph confessional box and intones his mea culpa for supporting Barack Obama in 2008 – and Allahpundit’s heart sings.

Sweet music to Hannan’s many admirers in the US who swooned when he eviscerated Gordon Brown in the European Parliament and was subsequently officially enthroned on conservatism’s mount Olympus by Glenn Beck himself. However the rather sour reactions to Allahpundit’s celebratory post from the Hot Air hoi polloi appear to indicate a selective amnesia about the Beck/Hannan courtship (which post dated the 2008 election, folks…)

“You got what you wanted, Limey” seems to be the leitmotif running through the comments, a common reaction to other criticisms of the Cook County Presidency emanating from these sceptred isles as if Obama was some ermine robed viceroy imposed upon the fifty colonies by King George III himself rather than the candidate preferred by a clear majority of American voters in 2008.

So, bearing this in mind, I give you another offering of red meat from the abattoir of the Daily Telegraph, this time from Damian Thompson, Editor of Telegraph Blogs and a journalist specialising in religion who was once described by The Church Times as a “blood-crazed ferret” – I like him already!!

Barack Obama’s analogy between the Gulf oil spill and 9/11: dirty politics from the Chicago school

No Hannan type rapier thrust here – this is more the heavy cavalry sword made famous by Bernard Cornwell’s heroic Richard Sharpe who wields this relatively cumbersome weapon with ruthless efficiency.

Barack Obama is easily clever enough to understand the effect of his comparison between the environmental challenge facing America after the Gulf oil spill and the terrorist challenge it faced after 9/11: a subliminal equation of heartless British oil executives with homicidal Islamists. But he’s also unscrupulous enough not to care.

And then – to the jugular

But if there were any doubt about where Obama served his apprenticeship, then today’s little elision between a terrible accident and meticulously plotted mass murder clears it up.

Thompson suggests that if you want answers to the Obama enigma don’t expect to find them in David Remnick’s recent hagiography which he dismisses as an authorised puff piece penned by a servile magazine editor. Instead he would point you in the direction of John R. MacArthur and his lacerating review of Remnick’s book in the UK Spectator

Forget the conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. Who needs confected mysteries involving birth certificates when there’s a real one – namely, how did an expensively educated kid from Hawaii plunge into the filthy pool of Chicago machine politics and emerge smelling so sweet that America elected him president?

I kind of guessed that I wouldn’t find the answer in New Yorker editor David Remnick’s biography The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama. And now I know I needn’t bother ploughing through it to find out, thanks to a savage review in the current Spectator by John R MacArthur – headed, rather daringly, “Under false colours”.

MacArthur believes that the true nature of Obama can only be comprehended by looking at the questions Remnick didn’t ask.

But nobody gets ahead in Chicago’s brutal, one-party political oligarchy without a sponsor — known in pre-PC days as a ‘Chinaman’ — and all the evidence suggests that Obama was spotted as talent by two important members of the Chicago establishment, a white lawyer named Newton Minow, and a key black aide to Mayor Richard M. Daley, Valerie Jarrett. Minow, a bien pensant liberal of the most hypocritical sort (he helped Rupert Murdoch buy the once enlightened Chicago Sun-Times), provides the white lakefront money and corporate connections, and Jarrett introduces Obama (as well as his future wife, Michelle, whom Jarrett hired) to her important friends at City Hall and around town.

But where were the AP Fact Checkers? Why wasn’t ace investigative reporter Joe McGinniss on the case? Why didn’t Arianna Huffington unleash her feral bloodhound Geoffrey Dunn onto the mean streets of The Windy City? Why wasn’t Sherlock Holmes contacted and asked to look into the strange case of Forrest Claypool and “The 2006 endorsement that never was”?

Aw – gee, that’s a tough question…

With the US broadsheets and networks MIA over Obama’s Chicago connections you can’t really blame Hannan and other Brits for buying into the myth of The Man Who Rose Without Trace when Americans themselves were mesmerised by the snake oil salesman’s spiel. Instead be glad that his histrionic posturing over the oil spill has drawn the scales from quite a few UK eyes and rejoice in any sinner who repenteth.

I’ll leave the last words to Thompson for a couple more savage hacks from that heavy cavalry sword.

Mayor Richard Daley – the father, not the son – would have been proud of Obama. It may be windy in Chicago, but if there’s one thing the boys from the Democratic machine learn it’s how to blow a dog whistle loud enough for the right people to hear.

And this, which, if you read it in the light of Sarah Palin’s Styrofoam columns remark and her Facebook broadsides, gives a fascinating insight into the flaws embedded deep in the core of Obama’s political DNA.

I don’t know whether there’s any personal animosity between MacArthur and Remnick; there will be once the latter has read this review, I guess. But it’s not attack on a servile magazine editor, except indirectly; it’s a piece aimed chiefly at Barack Obama, whom MacArthur describes as a “made man within the Chicago Democratic organisation”.

“Made man”, eh? What on earth can he mean by that?

cross posted from C4P

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The Tragic End Of Joe Gaetjens, USA’s 1950 World Cup Soccer Hero

The recent 1-1 draw between England and the USA in the World Cup surprised and disappointed English fans. England started well but nerves and poor finishing opened the game for the Americans who gradually grew in confidence.

However it was never a David and Goliath match. Most of the 2010 US team are seasoned professionals playing in the top flight of European football – unlike their predecessors in 1950 when the US and England last played each other in the World Cup.

The 1950 Americans were all semi-professionals who had to supplement their earnings with other jobs, including the captain Walter Bahr.

Bahr said at the time of the 1950 match, playing was a part-time gig where they had to supplement their incomes with other jobs. He recollects making $50 a week as a Philadelphia high school teacher and $25 per week for a match. Other teammates worked as mail carriers and dishwashers to earn money.

All the England team were full time professionals and were still perceived as one of the world’s leading football nations – 3/1 to win the cup. The USA were rank outsiders – 500/1 – and not even their coach felt they had any chance at all. In 1950 it really was David v Goliath.

The result, a 1-0 win for the Americans, was totally unexpected, a real shocker yet, strangely enough, the news had almost zero impact in the USA where, for the media, “soccer” was very much a minority sport.

The American goal was scored by Joe Gaetjens. Joe was from Haiti but was studying accountancy at Columbia University and played  semi professional football in New York to earn some extra cash. He came to the attention of US coaches and joined the  World Cup squad headed for Brazil. Although he was not an American citizen he promised to take up US nationality after the competition.

Joe Gaetjens scores for USA v England 1950

After the World Cup, however, he went, instead to France, where he played in top flight football until 1954 when he returned to Haiti and went into business. Unfortunately his family got on the wrong side of Haiti’s dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier who proclaimed himself “President for Life” in 1964.

Most of Joe’s relatives fled from Haiti but he had never considered himself a “political” and didn’t think Duvalier’s secret police, the notorious Tonton Macoutes ,would be concerned with an ordinary businessman.

How wrong he was.

Within days he was arrested and never seen again. It is rumoured that he had been taken, with hundreds of other “suspects” to the feared Fort Dimanche prison in Port-au-Prince. Soon afterwards they were all executed and their bodies buried in secret in mass graves that have never been found.

Thus perished America’s 1950 “soccer hero”, the victim of one of the world’s most vicious political regimes – his only memorial a 1976 induction into the US National Soccer Hall of Fame…

h/t   cudaforever

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A Beautiful Day In Old England…..

We thought we would share my wife’s pictures of the first true summer day of the year in England when we decided to drive from Sussex into Kent to visit Scotney Castle, now owned by The National Trust.
The castle is near Lamberhurst in the middle of the Weald of Kent.  The Weald is a strip of land that stretches for forty miles or so between the chalk hills of the South and North Downs in Sussex and Kent in South East England.

The South Downs looking north across The Weald

It was originally a vast ancient forest (the name is Old English for woodland) and there still are patches of the old forest to be found in Sussex and Kent.

The Weald of Kent

Scotney Castle was built during the 1830s by Edward Hussey. He was the grandson of another Edward who bought the estate from the Darrell family in 1778. The Darrells had owned it for 350 years.

Scotney Castle

The new house was constructed of sandstone taken from a small quarry on the slopes below. This was later converted into a sheltered garden.

The Quarry Garden

But at the bottom of the hill are the ruins of a moated, medieval manor house, Old Scotney Castle, parts of which date back to the 1370s. Originally it might have been a rectangular structure with a tower at each corner but, by the 1550s only the south and east wing and the south tower remained

The Old Castle

The old castle lies on an island in the middle of a small lake.

Approaching The Old Castle

The gardens reach up the hill from the old castle to the new house at the top.

Looking Up From The Old To The New Castle

The old castle can only be approached across a bridge
Closer to the Old Castle

Closer to the Old Castle

A sunny day always brings crowds of visitors but we did find a quiet spot to enjoy a moment of peace and calm, at ease with the world….
By the water

By the water...

Edward Hussey part demolished the east wing but, following the fashion of the time, he left the ruin as the centrepiece of a garden.

The Ruins

The last of the Husseys, Christopher, died in 1970 and bequeathed the estate to The National Trust and, after Betty, his widow, died in 2006, the house and gardens were opened to the public.

Looking Up

The first warm, sunny day of the summer and nowhere better to be than this beautiful part of Old England…..

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Cameron Needs To Go A Little Chicago With Obama Over BP…

General David Petraeus reminded us yesterday that the Afghan war cannot be won without Britain’s military contribution. Our shared history is less rosy than we care to admit, but the best of our young men and women are dying daily alongside Americans in distant places. That is where the special relationship that really matters is forged.

So writes Benedict Brogan in the Daily Telegraph. He points out, correctly, that Anglo-American relationships have not always been sweetness and light

In the last century, the narrative of a shared effort against fascism obscured America’s initial indifference to British pleading for support, the financial cost of its help, and the galvanising effect of Pearl Harbour. Washington did much to wind down the British Empire, and pulled the plug on the Aden adventure in 1956. In more recent memory, the Reagan administration initially hedged over Argentina and the Falklands, then omitted to tell London about plans to invade Grenada, while Bill Clinton showed an enthusiasm for giving visas to IRA terrorists.

He claims that Obama wants to repair relationships with the UK now that Cameron is PM.

Iain Martin at the WSJ is less sure

In the Foreign Office it is said that the incoming Tory team are disappointed by the lack of serious attention behind the scenes from the U.S. administration. Despite Foreign Secretary Hague rushing to Washington after he took office, there’s been no love being received back beyond the usual platitudinous statements about the special relationship that American leaders feel the Brits need to hear and the Brits actually find somewhat patronizing.

The UK media is generally still in full ObamaLove mode and there is little awareness of the degree of disenchantment that has developed in the US over their President who is now seen in some quarters as nothing more than a Chicago political hack whose total lack of executive experience has left him floundering in the White House.

He has been damaged by accusations of a lack of leadership over the Gulf oil spill and his reaction has been classic Chicago style – shunt the blame onto BP or “British Petroleum” as he has now decided to call the oil giant.

It’s true that BP has many questions to answer and the public performance of CEO Tom Hayward has left much to be desired. But the bullying, hectoring manner adopted by Obama – talking of kicking ass, saying he would sack Hayward, vague threats of suspending the shareholders dividend etc – are the familiar manifestations of a weak man aware of being out of his depth.

His actions are threatening to undermine the stability of BP. It’s share price has collapsed and this could have repercussions on British pension funds which, until now, have regarded the oil giant as a blue chip investment. There is a growing feeling in the UK that David Cameron, while sympathising with the problems caused by the spill, needs to act a little more robustly and suggest Obama ratchets down the rhetoric.

Tony Blair was constantly being mocked for being George Bush’s poodle. One gets the feeling that many UK pols were mesmerised by the styrofoam pillars and want to be Obama’s poodle. It’s time for a reality check. Obama’s political star in the US is beginning to wane. He might even be facing a Republican controlled Congress after the November elections, robbing him of his massive 2008 mandate.

So it’s time for Cameron to go a little Chicago himself and maybe point out that if BP is attacked much further an outside predator might see the company as ripe for plucking – PetroChina, anyone?

Having already mortgaged the US economy by getting China to finance the US deficit the image of PetroChina drilling in the Gulf and Alaska might not go down all that well with America – even the New York Times would find that a difficult idea to sell…..

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European Electorates Say Farewell Father Christmas, Hello Mr Scrooge…

As Greeks finally face up to reality after decades of ostrich economics and systemic corruption other “miracle” states like Portugal, Spain and Ireland  are also staggering out of the party with massive financial hangovers. They, with others, chose to ignore Micawber’s Golden Rule

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.”

The spectacle has had quite an impact on European electorates in Britain, Czechoslovakia and, now, Holland. In each case the voters have ignored the sweet, seductive notes tumbling out of left wing flutes conjuring up images of Big Government riding to the rescue with shiploads of cash squeezed out of taxpayers and/or borrowed from China.

The parties that have caught the public mood have emphasised austerity, public sector cuts and transparent accounting. They have also attempted (as far as any politician can for, like estate agents and care salesmen the bald, unvarnished truth is rarely detectable in their DNA) to be honest with the voters by admitting there will be some pain ahead.

It’s as if everybody has suddenly grown up and realised that promises of a world full of rainbows and butterflies peddled for so long by the dream weavers of the left is something just for the under fives.

Coincidentally voters have also begun to question the sanity of allowing unrestricted access for millions of immigrants from all corners of the earth. For the first time in Britain and Holland there was a degree of honest and open debate about this issue. The model of the multi-cultural society so beloved by those who are wealthy enough to reside in areas where property values insulate them from it’s negative impact is, at last, being subjected to critical analysis.

The cracks have begun to appear in the consensus. Can this brave new era of  realism survive or will those promises of rainbows and butterflies seduce us once more. Only time can tell.

But for now it would appear that the voters of Europe are saying Farewell Father Christmas, Hello Mr Scrooge…….

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Obama Does Have A Strategy To Tackle Fiscal Crisis….

It must sadly be noted that Ben Bernanke slipp’d twixt cup and lip in a recent statement reported by the wise and perceptive Cubachi….

Fed Chair Bernanke says the government has no strategy to tackle fiscal crisis

He is not correct. Sources tell me that there was an additional reason for this visit…

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What Students Really Need To Learn – How To Walk In High Heels….

Hey girls – don’t bother with boring old stuff like Maths or Physics or Engineering….leave that to the Chinese and South Koreans. Here in the UK we know what you really need and we’ll use taxpayers money to make sure you can get it.

To be truly successful you have to learn to walk in high heels. Once you can do that then everything will come your way because you will feel much more confident.

Students have been taught how to walk in stilettos as part of a government-funded course, a south London college said on Wednesday.

The six-week “Sexy Heels in the City” course was offered as an extra-curricular activity at South Thames College and finished in May.

I am sure this must be an equal opportunities course and therefore open to the boys as well. Then, despite the shrinking economy and collapsed industrial base we can at least all glide down the road to oblivion completely at ease in our stilettos…….

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Ex Guardian “Journalist” Says E Mail Hacker Is The Victim Of A Palin Witch Hunt…

This is the deal. You’re Bobbie Johnson, the Tech/IT honcho at The Guardian – you are The Man…….on the edge, in the fast lane, so where it’s at that everyone else is not just yesterday but yesteryear.

Then suddenly you hear from the jungle drums that The Guardian is losing circulation, advertising and money. There’s talk of downsizing so you cut loose before being pushed and take redundancy. You need to scout for another slot, however, so you decide to punt a few hundred words towards another UK paper. You need something that is ostensibly about IT but also presses the right media buttons.

No problem. Contact The Daily Telegraph and offer a hit piece on Sarah Palin. The so called right wing Telegraph has been using Alex Spillius and Toby Harnden to trash Palin for nearly two years so you simply cannot lose.

The result?

Sarah Palin vs the hacker

The student who faces decades in jail for guessing a password.

Now you do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out where the piece is headed. It starts with an unexceptional bit of scene setting describing how David Kernell (“Rubico”)hacked into Palin’s yahoo e mail account in September 2008 at the height of the media feeding frenzy following her selection as McCain’s running mate. Johnson not only proceeds to sanitise Kernell’s action but goes the full McGinniss and paints Kernell as the victim of – yes, you’ve guessed it – a Palin witch hunt.

So why was the whole weight of the law brought down upon David Kernell? Many believe Palin used the case to stay in the limelight ahead of what may be another run for office in 2012.


After the verdict was read out and David Kernell emerged into the Tennessee sunshine, I asked his prosecutors whether they would have pursued the case so zealously if the victim had been somebody less high-profile.

Mark Krotoski, the Assistant US Attorney, played the question with the deadest of bats.

‘We felt the conduct in this case warranted each one of those charges,’ he said. ‘The victim of this case certainly was mentioned, but it wasn’t a big part of the presentation of the government’s case.’

Now ace reporter Bobbie is not at all happy with that. Our fearless sleuth just knows there is something darker hiding behind those bland words of the Assistant US Attorney. Indeed there is almost a suggestion that Mr Krotoski, having issued his smokescreen statement climbed into an unmarked black helicopter to be spirited away to some secret desert compound.

It’s a conspiracy, man……..and it’s SINISTER……

That’s the official line, but, to others, it feels like youthful misdemeanours are being manipulated for political and professional gain.

As Kernell’s friend Brett Ballinger – sitting in the quad of the university – asked: ‘What are they trying to push on him? Did any of them ever sit down and ask, “How did he really hurt these people and is it worth us going and destroying his life?’”

You can just sense Bobbie’s growing sense of excitement – it’s that Woodward/Bernstein moment when our fearless investigative reporter smells Pulitzer. You see he knows that Palin is just a construct, a puppet whose strings are being pulled by darker figures determined to drive America away from the forces of light that sprang forth out of Cook County in 2008 – and Kernell is clearly an agent of The Light.

This is why Kernell has to be crushed by the forces of Darkness.

Bobbie’s task, therefore, is to slash at the tangled undergrowth of lies and insinuations that surrounded this case with the Sword of Truth and he does this in an original and unexpected way.

He ignores the evidence presented to the court and considered by the jury – after all, what do they know?

Bobbie digs down really deep and finds the truth from…… Kernell’s friends.  Not only does he discover how the young student was just an average Joe with no interest in politics but he cracked into Palin’s e mails as an intellectual exercise.

Moreover, by being so predictable in her yahoo security codes she was really just “asking for it” (a phrase frequently heard in the investigation of another familiar crime) Thus Bobbie, in an act of masterly legerdemain, whips the mantle of victimhood from Palin and places it squarely on the shoulders of our innocent middle class student…

Bobbie Johnson – ace reporter?

Bobbie Johnson for a Pulitzer?

Not, I fear, in a million years. His whole “conspiracy/Kernell as victim” thesis is one of the soggiest bowls of cold porridge since Geoffrey Dunn’s last HuffPo Palin hit piece. So, let’s dig in our spoons and analyse some of the bits floating on the top of this mess.

Rubico was not some mastermind hacker or hard-core political activist. Instead, he was a middle-class, lanky economics student called David Kernell.

Who happened to be the son of Democratic Rep. Mike Kernell of Memphis, a long serving member of the Tennessee House and Obama supporter. Rather disingenuous of Bobbie to initially imply that David was just some kind of ordinary Joe.

Of course when it became known that Kernell had a political background some people began connecting speculative dots – not surprising considering the tsunami of vitriol thrown at Palin by Obama activists in the weeks following her nomination.

It didn’t matter that Kernell and his father denied the political plot: suddenly Rubico’s blunder had become a cause célèbre in the battle between Left and Right.

From all the evidence it is crystal clear that Kernell’s father had no knowledge of his son’s hacking activity. However the fact that his son denied any political motivation might be enough to satisfy Bobbie’s razor sharp forensic skills but for the slightly more cynical it is a claim more open to question. Indeed Bobbie himself inadvertently allows us a glimpse of a very interesting cat in the bag

buoyed by his success at gaining access, Kernell had bragged about it on an online messageboard called 4Chan.

‘There was nothing there, nothing incriminating, nothing that would derail her campaign as I had hoped,’ he told them.

‘All I saw was personal stuff, some clerical stuff from when she was governor… and pictures of her family.’

“Nothing that would derail her campaign” – bit of an odd statement coming from someone so apolitical isn’t it, Bobbie?

Then he produces a cute little puppy to tug at our heartstrings and show how well intentioned  Mr Ordinary Average Middle Class Student really was – he decided to prove to the world that there was no smoking gun in Palin’s e mails by….POSTING THEM….

Kernell posted some of the things he’d found as proof – photos, screen shots, the new password – before realising he could be in serious trouble.

He suddenly got scared and a few seconds later, he disappeared.

‘If this s— ever got to the FBI I was f—-d,’ he wrote later on the site. ‘I panicked… I posted the pass and then promptly deleted everything and unplugged my internet and just sat there in a comatose state.’

But of course he was too late. The stuff was swarming around the cyberworld within nanoseconds.

Palin’s family started receiving abusive emails and phone calls and the McCain campaign went into temporary panic mode.

Later, Palin described the moment she discovered what had happened while watching the news on television.

‘I thought: what kind of creep would break into a person’s files, steal them, read them, then give them to the press to broadcast… in order to influence a presidential campaign?

‘And what kind of responsible press outfit would broadcast stolen private correspondence?’

Hey Sarah – who the hell do you think you are? John Edwards? You’re a conservative woman, for crying out loud – you and your family are fair game!!!

Indeed Bobbie can hardly restrain himself when she actually has the nerve to speak to the court and pretend she has feelings…

When the case finally came to trial last month, Palin played it for all it was worth. The former candidate, now a presenter on the Right-wing TV channel Fox News, arrived in a blacked-out four-wheel drive.

After taking her place on the stand, she delivered her testimony in front of a packed courtroom.

Kernell, she said, was responsible for ‘the most disruptive and discouraging’ moment of her failed campaign to reach the White House.

Ignoring other setbacks during the election – the huge gaps in her knowledge of foreign affairs; the $150,000 bill for her wardrobe – she explained how her adolescent nemesis had affected her chances of success.

Crocodile tears according to Bobbie. It was a student prank, nobody important was harmed, give Kernell a mild slap on the wrist and let’s all move on.

Oh and Mr Editor of The Daily Telegraph you ought to take me on as your regular IT/Technology guru – not only am I a brilliant journalist but I am also cheaper than Shane Richmond, currently Head of Technology (Editorial) for Telegraph Media Group.

I suspect our Bobbie is fishing for a regular job again though of course I can’t prove it. I am sure that if I spoke to Bobbie’s friends they would tell me what a regular stand up guy he is. But he will have to get up very early to put one over Shane Richmond because, just one day after Bobbie’s puffed up posturing Mr Richmond’s rapier was skilfully slipped  between the Johnson ribs in another Daily Telegraph piece….

I don’t take Sarah Palin’s side on many issues but it seems clear to me that David Kernell………….should go to prison.


The sentences for those charges of which he has been found guilty amount to a maximum of one year for unauthorised access and up to 20 years for obstruction of justice.

It would certainly be harsh for Kernell to receive the maximum sentence, though we will have to wait and see whether the judge agrees, but some of the arguments in his defence have been absurd. They have suggested that the case is being pursued simply because the target was Palin and that this was just a youthful prank that went too far.


Is that the case here? I think not.

Kernell was not a child when he did this. Regardless of how easy it was to guess his way into Palin’s email account, he must have known that doing so was wrong. He can’t have thought that changing her password was acceptable. And in posting some of her messages to a public forum – something that eventually led to Palin’s entire email archive being made public – he can’t possibly have thought that he was just playing a prank. Can he?


Even if he did think this was just a small prank, his actions amounted to a serious – and possibly malicious – invasion of privacy. He should have been aware of that at the time. If he does go to prison, he has only himself to blame, not a rightwing conspiracy led by Palin and her supporters.

Whoops, Bobbie – oh well you could always try the Willesden & Brent Times – or The Huffington Post……

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Telling The Truth About The Deficit – The Speech That Needed To Be Made…

He used a speech  this morning to paint a near-apocalyptic picture of a country in which wasteful public spending has run up unsustainable debts.

He said: “There are three simple reasons why we have to deal with the country’s debts. One: the more government borrows, the more it has to repay; the more it has to repay, the more lenders worry about getting their money back; the more lenders start to worry, the less confidence there is in our economy.

“Two: investors do not have to put their money in this country – they will only do so if they’re confident the economy is being run properly, and when confidence in our economy is hit, we run the risk of higher interest rates.

“Three – and the real, human, everyday reason this is the most urgent problem facing us is that higher interest rates hurt every family and every business in the land. They mean higher mortgages and lower employment.

“They mean that instead of your taxes going to pay for things we want, the money you work so hard for is going on paying the interest on our national debt.”

President Obama coming clean about the US deficit?

No – Prime Minister David Cameron giving a reality check to the UK….

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