Aaron Guerrero, cub reporter at The Daily Caller, gets all wee wee’d up over Governor Palin’s remark to his adult supervisors at the website that the media was “a key reason she decided not to finish out her term as governor.”
Sensing the chance of getting on the Couric Award For Balanced Journolism shortlist he plays his gotcha! moment to perfection.
For someone who relishes the fight in the public arena, this is a rather startling admission. One that seems wildly out of sync with a political exterior that has her somewhere between a pitbull with lipstick and a Mama Grizzly.
By her own admission, Palin let the press play a key role in her decision to pull the plug on her governorship, sparking new questions over her toughness and ability to handle the pressures that come along with elective office. But more importantly she may have raised alarming concerns over a future presidential run.
“By her own admission”….he’s smelling red meat…
The rest of his piece is standard “she can’t take the heat stuff” because she so far she has not “indulged the alphabet networks”. This makes young Aaron question her viability as a potential resident of the White House. You get the feeling he is implying that Barack Obama throughout 2008 was facing hard nosed interrogation from hostile and suspicious TV pundits and thousands of keen-eyed hacks poured into Chicago to do a forensic audit on his background and experience – so why should she complain?
Aaron obviously has ambitions to become a journalist so Palin’s undisguised disdain for the media clearly offends..
From California to Maine, most are aware of her broad based contempt for the journalistic profession, and whether it be on Fox News, or through Twitter and Facebook, she uses every venue at her disposal to remind her supporters of how raw a deal she got, and continues to get, from the “elites” in the media.
Trouble is, young Aaron, your own article is prime evidence that Governor Palin is completely justified in being contemptuous of many “journalists” – indeed some might question your own claim to be a “journalist” because you obviously have failed to exhibit any evidence of a real journalist’s key skill – the use of shoeleather.
A proper hack would have actually gone back to the video of Palin’s resignation speech and watched it. Then said hack would have riffled through the pages of her book and read the pages pertaining to her resignation. Or, even if she or he didn’t have the energy to actually do some investigation they could still have referenced the actual article from which our youthful aspirant culled his “gotcha” quote.
Palin says the feeding frenzy culture of the media galvanized her political opponents in Alaska. “The media incentivized political opponents to file false ethics charges and expensive, wasteful, frivolous lawsuits against me, my family and my staff, in an obvious attempt to destroy us,” Palin said.
When those lawsuits — which Palin said she won, but the media didn’t cover — caused legal costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Palin had finally had it, she said.
“I said, ‘Enough. Political adversaries and their political friends in the media will not destroy my State, my administration, nor my family. Enough.’ I knew if I didn’t play their game any longer, they could not win. I would not retreat, I would instead reload, and I would fight for what is right from a different plane.”
Sorry, young man, but you still have an awful lot to learn before you can call yourself a journalist. Why not buck the trend and put a few years experience on a local newspaper under your belt? Go to Utah and do some legwork for The Richfield Reaper. There’s not much glamour in digging deep into a story about the Monroe City Sewer Project but it will teach you about the significance of the mundane and the importance of routine investigation at a microcosmic level.
So, Aaron, to paraphrase your own verdict on Palin, one might say this about you
Aaron Guerrero’s press performances in 2010, fairly or unfairly, might lead to his undoing, as perceptions of his being severely underqualified for the position he is pursuing takes hold.
Don’t take it personally, son – we’ve all been adolescents ourselves and messed things up by acting pretentious. Come back to the big league in ten years time and you can then mix it up with the grown ups….