The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

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Chilean Mine Disaster – BBC’s Newsnight Sees Pinochet’s Shadow….

As the story of the rescue of the Chilean Miners unfolded I realised that behind my hope that it would be successfully resolved lay an ever deepening dread – that the BBC would somehow find a convoluted way of placing the blame on Augusto Pinochet, one of the key figures in the BBCs pantheon of evil.

Watching Friday’s Newsnight my fears were vindicated when a breathless Wark interviewed Ariel Dorfman, an American/Chilean writer who proceeded to wax lyrical on the darkness of the mine being symbolic of the dark days of the Pinochet regime and the return to the surface as Chile coming to terms with its political past. Naturally there were clips of the Presidential palace being attacked by Pinochet’s soldiers during the coup against the extreme left wing and KGB funded President Allende in 1973 – though, of course, no mention of the protests and strikes against Allende’s policies during 1973 or the Chilean Supreme Court’s declaration of illegality of many actions of Allende’s government and it’s paramilitary formations. No mention either of the fact that Dorfman was an adviser to Allende.

Although the effusive Matt Frei and sundry other BBC hacks filled the airwaves for three days with a veritable Chile Fest two important pieces of information were either underplayed or scarcely mentioned…….the Christian/Catholic piety of the miners and their families and the fact that President Pinera, who impressed all with his handling of the whole crisis and his conduct during the rescue, was the first elected Conservative Chilean president for over fifty years….

As Private Eye would say…shome mishtake here surely….

Footnote: No mention either of Dorfman’s role in the Duke University rape scandal of 2006

Dorfman is one of the group of 88 professors who, in the wake of the Lacrosse players scandal, signed a controversial letter thanking protesters for “making a collective noise” on “what happened to this young woman” – assumed to be rapeThe letter, which was later published as a full-page ad in local newspapers and reprinted across the country, has been widely criticized as a prejudgment; later it was determined that no sexual assault had occurred. The charges against the players were eventually dismissed and the District Attorney who prosecuted the case, Michael Nifong, was disbarred and jailed.

cross posted at Biassed BBC

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Andrew Marr Of The BBC Thinks Bloggers Are Socially Inadequate Alcoholics….

Andrew Marr of the BBC thinks bloggers are lowlife knownothings

“A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting. They are very angry people,” he told the Cheltenham Literary Festival. “OK – the country is full of very angry people. Many of us are angry people at times. Some of us are angry and drunk”.

“But the so-called citizen journalism is the spewings and rantings of very drunk people late at night.

Andrew Marr, of course , is paid a substantial six figure salary that comes directly out of the wallets and purses of the citizen journalists he despises since the BBC is financed out of a poll tax.  He is a great champion of the freedom of the press except when it comes to his own affairs….

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Forbes Magazine: the World’s Most Powerful Women – #16 Sarah Palin

Forbes Magazine has just published its list of the 100 most powerful women in the world. They claimed that the list was based

less on traditional titles and roles and more on creative influence and entrepreneurship

mmmmm……so they put Michelle Obama at #1? That doesn’t quite fit into the 21st century narrative, does it? The list is packed with female CEO’s, Judges, Government officials etc (though sadly only one woman, Angela Merkel, who actually runs a country) so, for good or ill, they do wield power in terms of management, authority and the impact of their decisions. But, one has to ask oneself, would Michelle be on top of that list if she had not caught young Mr Obama’s eye and allowed herself to be led to the altar?

There are also quite a few media figures – Oprah (3), Ellen DeGeneres (10) and – pass the sick bucket, Alice – Kate Couric (22) on the list which is rather strange because we are supposed to be talking about The World here and, believe me, here in the UK only Oprah has any name recognition so, in that respect, the list seems a little Americocentric.

I suppose that “creative influence” leads to the inclusion of Lady Gaga (7) and Beyonce (9) – though surely Lady G could be described as a brilliant entrepreneur on the basis of having created a business empire out of minimal talent and infinite self advertisement.

But the atmosphere amongst all those bright scribblers in the Forbes editorial suite must have been funereal when they realised that the ‘Cudah had to be slotted in to the top twenty at #16. Nevertheless, apart from a couple of obligatory mini snarks the blurb about her was reasonably balanced….

Unofficial hostess of the Tea Party, Palin has brilliantly exploited traditional as well as social media to fan the flames of discontent–and forced the GOP establishment to embrace the insurgency. As a political commentator on Fox (with a $1 million-a-year, multi-year contract) and deft user of Twitter (260,000 followers) and Facebook (2 million-plus fans), she has largely bypassed traditional media to blast the press and the president

In terms of name recognition across the world, of course, Sarah Palin should be much nearer the top of that list because, outside the chattering classes of most nations, more people would have heard of her than, say,Nancy Pelosi (11) and others in the fifteen names above her. What’s more, should they suddenly be pitched out of their jobs, very few of the top twenty would be wielding much power at all.

So the key factor to bear in mind is that all the other nineteen in the top twenty are there because of their positions – First Lady, CEO, TV host, Performer etc. Palin is the only one in the top of the list who is there because of herself. She has no official post, no gargantuan PR team, no political machine, no influential family or billionaire eminence grise behind her – she is just Sarah Palin.

What she does have, however, is the loyalty of many ordinary American people, not just because of her political views, though they are important, but, like Margaret Thatcher in the UK in the 1980s, her character and spirit and integrity.

Sarah Palin – one of the most powerful women in the world…

Not bad for a has-been……

cross posted from Conservatives4Palin

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Allahpundit – Aggregator Extraordinaire?

 Just read this Hot Air post by Allahpundit on Nevada…

Am I the only one to notice that many other US bloggers on the right will use either contacts or inside information in their posts but AP, though a brilliant wordsmith, often appears to tell us nothing that we couldn’t find out from reading stuff ourselves. RSM would jump into his Kia (pre deer attack) and drive to Nevada and hang out with various Runyonesque characters, Ed would interview them, Ace would be fed tips from a whole swathe of informants and Dan would just go Sherlock Holmes, processing data like a piranha then planting down his flag saying “here I stand”.

I live in the UK – was last in Nevada for a few days 10 years ago – yet I get the feeling that after I had googled Angle/Reid I could have written this post though my prose would have been far clumsier.

Exit question – is AP just a one man News Aggregator who weaves his words with style and grace but who appears not to use too much shoe leather to find out what is happening behind the scenes?  I think we should be told…

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How To Astroturf A Rally….

The One Nation Rally, October 3rd 2010 – the US Democrats answer to  the Beck/Palin Restoring Honour Rally the previous month – has now finished. Doug Ross sneaks out the photos you’ll never see in the MSM…..

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Palin:From Political Has-Been To Political Titan….

THEN– Is Sarah Palin finished?

Mike Seeley of Seattle Weekly Blog thought so in November 2008

That’s the question that was on the tip of many a tongue last night. Sure, Sarahccuda became an overnight celebrity…for all the wrong reasons.

So did Todd Harris, Republican media consultant in July 2009

“I think Sarah Palin is on the verge of becoming the Miami Vice of American politics: Something a lot of people once thought was cool and then 20 years later look back, shake their heads and just kind of laugh,” quipped Republican media consultant Todd Harris.


Titans clash: Bill Clinton vs. Sarah Palin in California

The studio execs in nearby Hollywood couldn’t have produced a better opening scene for Election 2010: Bill Clinton and Sarah Palin — two of the titans of their parties — will barnstorm through Orange County, Calif., on consecutive days in mid-October.

Mike Seeley and Todd Harris could not be reached for comment…..

cross posted at Conservatives4Palin
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Al Gore’s AGW Friends In The UK In Favour Of A Little Culling? Update – Maybe It Wasn’t Such A Good Idea…

Green Fascism?  Global Warming Mitigation Campaign 10:10 claim this video was just a piece of  fun to draw attention to the dangers of global warming and what ordinary people can do about it. But given the messianic zeal of the advocates of anthropogenic global warming and the shifty defensive postures they adopted during the furore over the UEA e mails  those of us who are a little more skeptical of the AGW doomsayers might be forgiven for taking 10:10’s claim with a very large pinch of salt.

After all, a cull of humanity is already on the agenda of some green zealots….what better way of initiating such a process of selektion by removing the doubters and refuseniks…

Where does Al Gore stand on this? I think we should be told…..


They have had second thoughts – no doubt having seen how even the party faithful at The Guardian Envronmental Blog (the Vatican of the AGW Cargo Cult were not too impressed….

Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and climate change called ‘No Pressure’.

With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh. We were therefore delighted when Britain’s leading comedy writer, Richard Curtis – writer of Blackadder, Four Weddings, Notting Hill and many others – agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn’t and we sincerely apologise to anybody we have offended.

Some interesting reactions on the comments board

This ‘apology’ is pathetic! ‘Oops’ (on twitter) is not an appropriate response to this disastrous episode. The entire thing is just so incredibly immature, reactionary and irresponsible it is hard to fathom that anyone trusts your board to run an project like 10:10. If there is any integrity in your organization at all there will be serious consequences. This would never happen in an environmental organization which nurtured a less tyrannical attitude. Yup, you certainly evoked shock / horror. Sad.

“Many people found the resulting film extremely funny” says volumes about your organization and the type of people you attract.

Actually the second comment summed it up perfectly. Franny Armstrong, founder and head honcho at 10:10 has made her name making “cutting edge” documentaries. The trouble is she is so consumed by the idea of being on the edge that her priority becomes the media rather than the message and it all goes radical chic – cue Richard Curtis, the very stereotype of chattering class caring. Note the accolade – “Britain’s leading comedy writer” followed by a list of triumphs that appear rather…..dated?

It must have seemed hilarious over the fairtrade coffee at the Notting Hill dinner party – but I don’t expect Curtis’s agent is laughing now.

BTW – at the time of writing the BBC website hasn’t picked up on the story……or am I being cynical?

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“Combat Barbie” Goes Back To The Army

She’s beautiful, she models lingerie and for a year she has been Miss England. But now, after several months leave of absence, Katrina Hodge is unpacking her fatigues and going back to the job she loves – a Lance Corporal in the British Army.

“I’ve had a year of glitz and glamour but that sort of stuff doesn’t last – the Army is a career for me.”

She was runner up in the 2009 Miss England contest but took over the title when the original winner pulled out.

She entered Miss England as a joke against the lads in  her unit who teased her about turning up with a pink suitcase and false eyelashes when she first joined the army and called her “Combat Barbie” as a result

They all came along to the final this year and cheered me on. You could hear the rabble of army lads when I came on stage”.

She is still very girlie and loves pink – and she does look good modelling lingerie. But she has also won a military commendation in Iraq when she confronted an armed Iraqi.

She had been part of a team of soldiers whose vehicle had crashed off a road, turning over three times. When she came to she realised an Iraqi had taken weapons from the crashed vehicle. She wrestled him to the ground and retrieved the weapons, after “giving him a whack”

Quite a lady, I think….

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Guess It’s Time For Some Country Music

This Englishman got into country music via rockn’roll. Quite a few of my big 50’s heroes (Haley, Holly, Jerry Lee etc) had either come to rock via country or still dabbled in it and as I started to explore I began to enjoy what I heard. Most of the songs were about personal experiences or feelings and it was easy to find a song that matched a mood – sadness, joy, wistfulness, regret, anger.  Moreover they carried a good tune and easily remembered lyrics.

So here are some of the artists and songs that always hit the spot because, for me they are what country music is all about.

Buck Owens was big in the sixties and early seventies using a stripped down sound that was in direct contrast to the heavily orchestrated numbers that were coming out of Nashville at the time. Jaunty and simple because Owens was going back to basics…


Lyle Lovett is the thinking man’s singer. His music often contains a wry, left field take on familiar situations. But this one is a beautifully crafted hymn to wistfulness and unattainable dreams….

Blackhawk’s sound is a rolling wave where vocals and instruments combine to wash over the listener in an emotional flood. This number paints that magic moment when a man is finally confronted with the price of his own thoughtlessness….

In total contrast – Don Williams….quiet, gentle, a beautiful celebration of true love…..

We call them lorries, Americans call them trucks but, wherever you are these vehicles and their drivers are the lifeblood of any economy. For me whether driving in Britain, America or Europe this is a must play while eating up the miles on the tarmac….in my economy car imagining I was Dale Watson. I loved his Truckin Sessions album but was surprised to discover that, at one time, he was not a big seller in the US because, in the UK  he has always been very popular.  

Dale Watson is the real deal. What Dale does in keeping traditional country music alive can’t be matched. He writes & sings true to the roots and spirit of what made country music great. You can clearly hear influences of Merle Haggard & Johnny Cash in his songs, artists that Dale truly admires & respects.

Maybe the Blackhawk lady was thinking this as she wrote on the mirror with her lipstick…it is a song guaranteed to make most men feel just a little bit uncomfortable…..Deana Carter wishes she could turn back the years…..

In all my years as a teacher I always gave this piece of advice from Kenny Rogers to every class I took…..

….and, before I die, I would still love to go, one day, and stand on a corner in Winslow, Arizona….The Eagles – sheer perfection…

Thanks for your interest and, as Dale Watson would say…..may your bridges all be sixteen five……..

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New Labour Leader Ed Milliband – A Sheep In Sheep’s Clothing?

So Ed Milliband is now the anointed leader of the Labour Party. Are the downtrodden pouring out of their tenements onto the streets uttering cries of hope? Are they forming their battalions to advance on the Coalition’s Bastille, ready to tear it down brick by brick with their bare and bleeding hands? Are Cameron and Clegg cowering in the cellars of Downing Street quivering with fear?

Well…actually no to all of that. Hardly anyone outside the Westminster hothouse has a clue about Ed Milliband or his brother – and even to we political junkies there is something extremely plastic about them both. As for Cameron and Clegg they are probably still roaring with laughter and slapping each other on the back in joyous disbelief at the handful of aces dealt to them by the Labour Party.

Ed Milliband (age 41) is the son of a pompous and highly opinionated Marxist academic called Ralph Milliband who scuttled around the corridors of several universities during the 60s and 70s. Many of his colleagues and students appeared to be immensely relieved whenever he left a post apart from a handful of left wing fellow travellers who had an inflated view of their own and his importance – hence the myth of Ralph Milliband as a giant of the left and the scourge of the British establishment. In fact he was an insignificant pipsqueak who had little, if any, contact with the working class he claimed to represent, living as he did in bourgeois comfort in a fashionable Guardian reading enclave of North London.

Ed was apparently a bright boy, won a good degree and, after a brief flirtation with television journalism got a job as a Labour Party researcher in 1993 and, in the following year, gained an attachment to Gordon Brown’s political staff. Finally in 2005 he was shoehorned by Brown into a safe Labour seat and, within a year or so became a government minister, ending up, in 2008, as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate change, becoming a major player at the 2009 Copenhagen Conference.

So Ed Milliband, after just five years in Parliament is now the elected leader of the Labour Party – with almost zero experience of the world outside politics. But that matters not a jot to the comrades who have no wish to understand the workings of wealth creation. The keys to his success came from the support of the trade unions, which form a powerful bloc in the process of electing the leader, and the influence of Gordon Brown and his followers who, despite being responsible for Labour’s loss of power in the recent election, still exist as a significant force in Labour politics.

The Trade Unionists and the Brownites claim that Ed Milliband is the right man for the task of crushing the Cameron/Clegg coalition and restoring Labour to power. In fact their true priority is to airbrush Tony Blair and the concept of New Labour from the rulebook and return the party to the left – totally ignoring the lessons of Blair’s electoral victories of ’97, ‘01 and ’05 which were based on attracting middle class votes by ignoring the unions and embracing the capitalist ethic.

Blair, of course, was a wonderful conman in the Clinton mould, managing to give the impression of doing much but achieving very little yet using his charm and charisma to disarm his critics. Milliband is as charismatic as a roll of felt. He had a reputation amongst government colleagues for being indecisive and preferring to posture rather than implementing policy – no wonder given his boyhood experiences at home, listening to Ralph and his cronies pontificate about the restructuring of society when none of them had any experience of having to manage real organisations that impacted on the real world.

Milliband is the plenipotentiary of the Guardian reading chattering classes whose main interests are climate change, civil liberties and the belief that the main function of government is to provide therapy – just the sort of man the UK does not need in a world that will face up to a decade of zero economic growth and the machinations of evil fanatics who wish to sentence us to a lifetime of helotry under the rule of medieval cultists.

One might well argue, however, that his four rivals for the leadership were equally uninspiring and there would be much truth in that. Strangely enough, however, there was one important political figure from the Brown regime who the Tories always feared – Alan Johnson, the former Home Secretary.

Johnson, a postman who rose to be leader of the postal workers union was a man far removed from the world of the Millibands. Articulate, bright and with a cockney accent highlighting his humble background, he could have proved a perfect foil to David Cameron, the wealthy Old Etonian. But Johnson was too right wing for his former union comrades and, at the age of 60, regarded as a tad too old by the spinmeisters and PR gurus who appear to exert such an influence on political life.

Blair has always been worried that the Labour left was never too interested in finding the needle in the haystack that symbolised holding power – they instead preferred to scramble in the hay, quarrelling over arcane disputes and bearing long held grudges. By electing this nonentity it appears his fears were fully justified…

The Coalition, committed as it is to the reduction of the deficit, will face a bumpy ride as it implements the spending cuts essential to the  revival of a sound economy. But Labour’s leftward drift under Milliband will provoke a reaction from the heirs of Tony Blair – there will be plots and fights and blood on the benches weakening the image of the party as a viable alternative government. It doesn’t mean that the Coalition is definitelyhome and dry at the next election – but the ascension of Ed certainly shortens the odds for that eventuality.

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